Wednesday, September 5, 2012

First Day of Preschool

Both the girls started preschool this week.  This is Taylor’s last year of preschool and Lizzie’s first.  Lizzie would scream last year when we dropped Taylor off each day so I knew she was ready to go a few days herself.  And you can’t even begin to understand how excited I am to have a few hours to myself.  Don’t get me wrong, I love my girls and being able to stay home with them, but it is nice to run errands without dragging them in and out of the car.  They would much rather be playing outside or spending time with friends while I do all that stuff. 

Lizzie insisted on trying to wear her backpack, but barely made it out of the garage before she tipped over.


We can hear the high school band practicing from our front yard, so unfortunately Lizzie was a bit distracted by the music.


There were tears from Lizzie as I dropped her off in her classroom and Taylor was such a big help trying to get her to start playing and cheer up.  Such a sweet big sister!  Taylor was excited but quiet and stayed close by as I dropped her off. When I walked back by Lizzie’s room she was already done crying and playing with toys.  Her teachers said she did great, was very investigative(is this the nice way of saying ‘into everything’?) and gave lots of hugs.  I will have one day each week with just Lizzie and look forward to some one-on-one time with her.  Taylor is already talking about adventures that her and other kids are having and solving mysteries on the playground.  I love their imaginations at work!


While the girls were at school I celebrated the first day in my own way.

Hello grocery shopping in less than 30 minutes.

Hello no humongous racecar cart.

Hello no telling someone to ‘sit down’ every 30 seconds.


Hello watching Live with Kelly while unloading groceries.

Hello not trying to keep little hands out of the fridge/freezer/pantry while putting groceries away.


Hello not watching a single cartoon for 5 hours.

Hello lunch time without someone else needing something.

Hello my new lunchdate twice a week– my Kindle.

Hello stack of mail that finally got sorted without me getting distracted.

Hello many items completed on my to-do list.

Hello relaxed Mommy excited to pick two little girls up from preschool!


MySanSouci said...

Yay for great first days and mommy time too! Love the matching outfits and Taylor's cute braids!

Lareina said...

Awesome! Enjoy your mommy days:)


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