Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Taylor Tuesday

I finally found my way out of the mounds of treats being baked, Christmas preschool programs, pile of dishes in the kitchen, traveling to see family, presents to be wrapped, and laundry that multiplies like crazy.  So I’m back to the world of blogging and trying to play a bit of catch up so that there isn’t a gap when I go to make the girl’s Taylor Tuesday and Elizabethursday books.  Did I mention that I’m behind on those too???  The good news is that in between all those things listed above I managed to take some time to play with my two favorite little people during this wildly warm December and take a few pictures. 

This cutie told me ‘grab your camera’ and then turned around with this pose.  Her outfit also explains a lot about her love for pink lately.  Try explaining to a four year old why these pink leggings don’t match this pink dress.  They are both pink Mom!  I give up because at least she has on clothes, unlike the other one who likes to run around ‘makees’ (aka naked) but this is a G rated blog and we will leave those photos unposted.


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