Thursday, May 7, 2009

When it all started

I knew the original Taylor Tuesday 1st anniversary was near and can't believe I missed it by a day! Yesterday was the one year anniversary of my first Taylor Tuesday email. Taylor was almost a month old and was having trouble getting her to nap for longer than 15-20 minutes at a time. This new momma just needed some time to shower, eat, or nap! Chris was always the master swaddler, so when I remembered that we had the velcro swaddler I tried it out. Low and behold it worked like a charm for our cutie and she was as snug as a bug and sleep for quite some time.

Here is the email and pictures that I sent Chris that morning after being so excited:

thought you might like to see what is making tuesday a much better day than monday.

we love you!
w & t

Hope you enjoyed our flashback!

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